We all want to be the very best player we could be, and practice comes along with that. Many people prefer to get their practice in outdoors, while on the other hand, some people prefer to be inside on a nice hardwood floor. But which one is better for your game?

Practicing basketball indoors is much better because no matter the conditions outside, you’ll still be able to play (you can play all year round). There are also several other reasons including a consistent playing surface (no bumps or potholes), A regulation rim (some parks are not), and a safer environment to play.

However there are some benefits to playing outdoors when it comes to competition, and we’ll get into those factors as well.

Weather Conditions

If you live in an area where weather conditions are bad a long portion of the year, this could cut into your basketball practice time. If you have a gym you could go to every single day, there is no need to worry about rain or snow.

If you think about it, the amount of hours you’ll be able to get in in comparison to a player who has to go outside, will really add up.

Kobe Bryant once touched on being able to get in more hours than your peers, stating that if you get up earlier, you’ll be able to train twice before your peers even hit the ground. Having access to an indoor court will when other don’t is also a clear advantage.

Consistent Playing Surface

Playing the sport of basketball has a lot to do with muscle memory, and many people overlook this. If you’re consistently playing at a park that has a hoop that is slightly crooked or up hill, it may effect your game more than you think.

This is because you will compensate for this hill, or crookedness, and shoot that same shot, over and over again.

Having a consistent playing surface will allow you to get the exact same feedback every time you shoot, and develop a muscle memory that will be very important in games.

A Regulation Rim

I’ve been to a lot of parks to play pick up basketball, and I have to say, not many parks get the regulation rim size just right. Off the top of my head I could think of 3 or 4 courts that have either a shorter or higher rim than 10 feet.

Being able to practice on a rim that is exactly 10 feet all the time will help you tremendously when you go out to play a serious game.

If you shoot on a lower hoop regularly, and then go to a gym to play a game where the hoop is 10 feet, you’ll most likely be short on your shot frequently.

Safer Environment

Basketball has a lot of injuries. This is because players are constantly jumping up and down, frequently landing wrong, leading to ankle and knee injuries.

Playing indoors lowers these chances because the wooden court is much smoother than the uneven pavement of outdoor courts.

Not only is the court much smoother, but the court has more give. Landing over and over on asphalt courts could put a lot of stress on your knees and other joints, and over time, could lead to serious injuries.

I’ve personally sprained my ankle twice due to the uneven surface of the court, and if I had been practicing inside, those injuries could have been avoided.

Are There Any Benefits To Playing Basketball Outside?

Although practicing indoors is much better than playing outside for the reasons we mentioned above, there are still many reasons why playing basketball outside could be a good thing.

It’s Great To Play Basketball On a Nice Sunny Day

Playing outside in the sun all day is one of the most refreshing feelings you could ever experience as a basketball player. Getting outside is a great way to enhance your mental health, and there’s no better way to do that than with some good outdoor basketball.

Usually More Competition

It’s more common to get a bunch of people to a park to play than it is to get a bunch of people in a gym to play. Any time I’ve ever gotten access to a gym to work on my game, there was hardly any one there. This makes it difficult to actually work on your game with competition added.

Dribbling Outside Could Lead To Improved Dribbling Inside

Like we stated above, many outdoor courts don’t have completely smooth surfaces, which makes it hard to dribble. If you could get good at dribbling the ball on an outdoor court, dribbling during a game in an indoor court will come very easily to you.

Are There Any Specific Skills That Could Only Be Developed By Practicing Outdoors?

You can work on your skills in both an indoor and outdoor court, however, one thing that could be said about practicing outdoors is working through the elements. What do I mean by working through the elements? I’m talking about rain, wind, sleet, snow, and even heat. If you can effectively practice in these elements, some may say that it’s more challenging. In return for this added challenge, challenges in games (in a dry and warm indoor environment) may be easier to overcome.

For example, if you live in a hot area, conditioning may be a challenge. However, if you can practice in the heat and get accustomed to it, games in a nice weather controlled environment will be easy.

How Can You Get Access To a Gym To Practice?

Getting access to indoor basketball courts on a frequent basketball courts is the problem for most people. However, there are a few ways that you can get access to a gym so that you can practice your game more consistently.

Gym Membership

If you’re old enough, you could sign up to a gym with access to a basketball court. This is probably the easiest way to get access to a basketball court. The only problem is there are many people who will also belong to that same gym, so getting work in on your game individually will be hard, but finding pick up games to play will be easy.

An extra added benefit to this is that you could work on your strength and conditioning at the same time as working on your game.

Ask Your School

If you’re still young and in school, you may be able to ask the school permission to work on your game early in the morning. In most cases, they shouldn’t have a problem with it as long as you don’t bring 10 people with you.

Local Recreation Building

Most towns have a recreational center, that they will allow you to rent out here and there. This is an option too. You would just have to work around the townships schedule and the events that they have within the building on weekly basis.

Can You Use an Outdoor Basketball Indoors?

If you’re used to playing outside, but are looking to play inside more, you may be wondering if you could bring your outdoor basketball inside. The main reason they label it as an outdoor ball is because it helps keep up with the rough elements, and will be able to take a beating outside.

Indoor courts don’t pose any risk to a basketball like asphalt and other outdoor court surfaces do, so using your outdoor ball inside, should be just fine.

You may want to consider getting an indoor ball, as the quality may be higher than your outdoor ball.

In Summary

Now you know that playing indoors could help you more when it comes to bettering your game, but outdoor courts have some benefits too when it comes to competition.

Let me know which option you like better, playing outdoors, or indoors in the comments below. Personally for me it depends on the time of year, in the summer, I’d choose outdoor any day of the week.

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