When it comes to the sport of basketball, there’s a lot that is said about how the game has become “soft”. In other words, it is not as physical as it used to be. Is this true, or does basketball still have the same level of intensity as it used to?

Basketball as whole has certainly taken a step back from many things that would be considered “hardcore” or “tough”. For instance, technical fouls are called for staring players down in today’s league, when in the past this would be a minor altercation. The league has also taken intentional fouls and flagrant fouls much more seriously, cracking down on them and handing out suspensions for those who violate the rules.

In the rest of this article we will go over whether or not the game is actually softer than it used to be. While many people might think so, it may be a combination of the things we mentioned above along with other factors.

Players Today Rely on More Skill

In the early days of basketball, the bigger your team was, the more dominant they were. Big men ruled the world of basketball, as they had the strength to out-muscle defenders. However, due to the advancement of skill and player development, players today are able to rely on their speed, agility, and skill. This includes the three point shot, which has become increasingly important for players to master. As you can see, with every year , 3 point efficiency seems to go up (not exact, but close to it).

In reaction to this, you can’t have players on the court that are just big and rely on post skill. Due to the fact that almost every player in every starting 5 could shoot the three, the days of slamming bodies in the post are gone. Instead, players need to be able to move quickly on defense, and switch screens in order to keep up with players like Damian Lillard and Steph Curry.

Taking away a lot of the post plays that once dominated the game has taken away a lot of the physicality that was once associated with basketball. However, it doesn’t mean there’s no longer physicality in the sport.

Less Players Forcing It In The Paint

That brings us to the next point. The game used to be played inside out. Now it seems like the ball is moved more around the perimeter in order to get open shot, with driving to the basket being the second option. As a result, there are less players forcing it into the paint, which results in less overly physical play down low.

In the 90’s the amount of 3 Point shots taken per game varied from 2-10 shots. In todays game, teams take 34 threes per game.

With the efficiency at which players make these 3 point shots, defenses have to over play the three, which increases the possibility of players getting to the rim with little to no help defense (and less physicality).

Why Hand Checking Doesn’t Really Play That Much Of a Role

When you talk about the physicality of the game, people often bring up hand checking. Hand checking was the ability to use your hands on defense to prevent the offensive player from getting where they wanted to go. In today’s game, hand checking is illegal, so players can more easily move around defenders without being touched.

However, when hand checking was taken away, the NBA also allowed for full zone defenses, allowing for teams to load up the paint without facing any consequences. When there was hand checking, they had illegal defense, which didn’t allow players to leave their man unless you were committing to a full double team. The defense in this video against Kobe Bryant in the 2010 finals, would’ve been illegal to do against Michael Jordan in the 90’s.

The video above, is what sparked the three point revolution. Now most teams are so good, that this zone defense that replaced the physically of hand checking, is often useless.

The Natural Play Of Basketball Is Gruelling and Isn’t Soft

Although there are many factors that make basketball a lot less physical than it used to be, the game is still not soft. It is still full of competition and intensity, with players diving after loose balls, fighting for rebounds, and throwing their bodies into each other to get the ball in the basket.

Since there’s a lot more three point shots than back in the day, the amount of screens players have to run through is a lot higher.

Is Basketball Considered a Contact Sport?

Contact sports include American football, rugby, and others. Basketball on the other hand, is on the same page with soccer, as they are considered limited-contact sports.

The difference is, contact is within the rules of sports like American football and rugby (tackles etc). On the other hand, too much contact in basketball and soccer is discouraged.

If Basketball Isn’t a Contact Sport, How Come So Many Players Get Contact Injuries?

The main reason players get contact injuries in basketball is because they leave the ground frequently. When you’re in the air, you’re pretty much hopeless in terms of defending yourself if you get bumped or shoved in mid air. This is how many injuries are caused in basketball.

The second reason, is because legs often get tied up, and although it’s not on purpose it still happens from the speed of the game.

In Summary

While basketball used to be more physical, the league is far from soft. In my opinion the league is changing for the better, as it favors players with more skill rather than favoring the biggest and strongest players.

Although players that are physically dominant still have place in the league they have to develop other skills in order to completely dominate the game (jump shot, handles, and other things).

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One response to “Is Basketball a Soft Sport?”

  1. […] people say basketball isn’t a physical sport, however, try saying that after trying to drive the lane and getting bumped hard without a foul […]
