Even for people who didn’t necessarily root for Kobe Bean Bryant, at one point in their lives, whether they’d like to admit it or not, Kobe was most likely an inspiration to them. Known for the “Mamba Mentality” and his never quit attitude, no matter what you’re doing in life you can take something from Kobe.

I was always a Lebron fan (still am), but when Kobe Bryant passed away it felt as if a piece of me was gone. Kobe was more than just an athlete; he was a leader, a mentor, and truly an inspiration to many people around the world.

That’s why I chose him to be the first player to ever have a quote category on my blog. Here are some of the best Kobe Bryant quotes that I think really capture what it means to be driven and motivated.

Get Up Early And Work Hard

“Those times when you get up early and you work hard, those times when you stay up late and you work hard, those times when you don’t feel like working you’re too tired you don’t want to push yourself but you do it anyway, that is actually the dream… That’s the dream, it’s not the destination it’s the journey. And if you guys, if you guys can understand that you won’t accomplish your dreams, your dreams won’t come true, something greater will.”

This quote means that it’s not the destination that you should be focused on. You should focus on falling in love with the process. Just like he did in his career. He’s encouraging kids and other listeners to better themselves every single day, no matter what. He explains that if you fall in love with the process, something even better than you originally wanted will happen.

I resonate with this because as soon as I started falling in love with discipline, improving, and working hard, my life started to change.

Get More Training Done

“If you get up at 10 in the morning, train at 11. Right, 12, say 12, train at 12, train for two hours, which is 12 to 2. You have to let your body recover, so you eat, recover, whatever. You get back out and start training again at 6. Train from 6 to 8. Right. Now, you go home, shower, eat dinner, and go to bed. You wake up and do it again. Those are two sessions. Now, imagine you wake up at three, train at four, go from four to six. Come home, have breakfast, relax, and now you’re back at it again from nine to eleven. Right. Relax, and now you’re back at it again from two to four, and now you’re back at it again from 7 to 9. Look at how much more training you’ve done.”

This isn’t the traditional quote in the sense that it’s a great one. This simply just shows Kobes work ethic and how he would literally do anything to outwork people. You need to be like this in life in order to get ahead. If you want to accomplish your goals, don’t be afraid to push yourself and put in the extra work. So even if you’re not a basketball player, putting in 3-4 sessions instead of 2-3 can really make a difference.

Rest At The End Not In The Middle

“There’s a quote from one of my English teachers, a little marion named uh Mr. Fisk. He had a great quote that said, ‘Rest at the end, not in the middle,’ and that’s something I always live by. You know, I’m not going to rest. I’m going to keep on pushing. Now, there are a lot of answers that I don’t have, even questions that I don’t have, but I’m just going to keep going. I’m just going to keep going, and I’ll figure these things out as I go. Right? You just continue to build that way, so I try to live by that.”

This is very important. The longer you sit there and think about what may happen, the more you’re not going to get anywhere. At least if you try, you will be able to learn what works and doesn’t work, rather than just sitting there doing nothing. Even if that specific thing isn’t for you, it will teach you what is for you.

The World Becomes Your Library

“I am very competitive with things that I participate in, so I’ll put it to you this way. Basketball was the most important thing to me, so everything I saw – whether it was TV shows, books I read, or people I talked to – everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player. Everything. And so, when you have that point of view, then literally the world becomes your library to help you become better at your craft.”

When you’re focused hard on your goal, it’s important to use your resources to the best of their ability. No matter what you’re doing, you can always use your surroundings to help improve towards your goal.

Why It’s Ok To Lose

“Oh, it’s exciting. Why is it exciting? Because it means you have different ways to get better. There are certain things that you can figure out that you can take advantage of, right? Certain weaknesses that were exposed, um, that you need to shore up. Right, so it was exciting. I mean, it sucks to lose, but the hardest thing is to face that stuff. That’s a really, really tough challenge.”

In order to get good at anything, it’s necessary to lose here and there. When you lose, you can analyze what went wrong and how to improve. This is a key element of success in any situation. Losing will make you better in the long run and help you on your journey to success, as long as you stay at it and don’t run away from the challenge.

Nothing is Ever Going To Perfect

“It’s an obsessiveness that comes along with it. You want things to be as perfect as they can be, understanding that nothing is ever perfect. But the challenge is to try to get them as perfect as they can be, and you can control what you can.”

When working towards a goal, you will never get it perfect, and you need to come to terms with that. If you can come to terms with that, it comes down to trying your best to making it as perfect as you possibly can.

Try and Be Still

“What I try to do is just be still and understand that things come and go, emotions come and go. The important thing is to accept them all.”

This quote is referring to the importance of being still and accepting things as they come. I’m an over thinker, so this quote helps me to remember that things will happen, and I need to accept them as I go. This keeps me grounded in my process, and this is the reason why this is one of my favorite Kobe quotes.

In Summary

Although Kobe is no longer with us, he’s given us a life time of knowledge and motivation. Whenever I’m down, I go and watch Kobe interviews or read his quotes. This helps me get back to the process and remember why I’m trying to accomplish my goals in the first place.

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