So you and your friends are hanging out and get in the mood to play some basketball… However there’s one problem, you guys don’t have a basketball. The only thing you have to work with is a soccer ball. Can you play basketball with a soccer ball?

Soccer balls were actually used as the very first basketballs, however, there was no dribbling when basketball started which made this possible. It’s still possible to try and play basketball with a soccer ball (and many people have done it before) but the game would most likely be sloppy due to the shape of the ball. Soccer balls are made of a mixture of pentagons and hexagons that make it difficult to dribble.

What Are Some Drawbacks Of Trying To Play Basketball With a Soccer Ball?

If you’re serious about playing basketball, you should be concerned with constantly improving your skills. Playing basketball without a real basketball will make it difficult to improve these skills, since the ball you’re using is not designed for that purpose. Below we will go into additional drawbacks of playing basketball with a soccer ball.

Lack Of Grip

Basketballs are made with little dimples (approximately 35,000). These dimples make it easier to grip the ball. This is essential for dribbling, shooting the ball, going up for a layup, and catching the ball. When you play with a soccer ball, it’s much more likely for the ball to slip out of your hands when receiving a pass, shooting, dribbling, and during layups.

Difference In Weight

Muscle memory is very important when it comes to basketball. The reason players shoot 1,000’s of shots in practice is to get their muscle memory right. When you shoot with a soccer ball, this takes away from this practice. This is because soccer balls are lighter than basketballs. So when you play basketball with a soccer ball often, and then pick up a basketball, your shot will be totally out of whack. Not only is the weight different, but the diameter of a basketball is slightly bigger (not as significant as the weight, but still makes a difference).

Less Bounce

The shape of the soccer ball makes it difficult to dribble as it is, but when you add in the fact that soccer balls are less bouncy than basketballs, you end up with a very sloppy game. Basketball’s are meant to make it easy for players to dribble and control the ball, so when you use a soccer ball that’s not designed for this purpose, it makes the game much more difficult to play.

The Soccer Ball Is Made For Grass

If you care about the soccer ball and plan on using it on grass in the future, you may want to be cautious of playing basketball with it. Soccer balls are not meant for concrete, and concrete could easily wear down the shape of the ball. If you don’t really care about the ball, go right ahead.

Less Enjoyable To Play

When you play basketball, you often get pumped up when you do something good. When you perform a crossover on a defender and get by them it’s exciting. Those are the moments that make you want to keep on playing. However, when you’re playing with a soccer ball, these moments are less likely to happen due to how sloppy the game of basketball could be when playing with a soccer ball. This will make it way less enjoyable for people on both teams.

Conclusion: Use a Basketball For Better Performance

As you can see, there are many drawbacks to playing basketball with a soccer ball. If you have the competitive drive to the point where you can’t wait to play, by all means use the soccer ball. But I wouldn’t do it consistently if you want to improve your skills constantly. If you want to be the very best basketball player you could be I recommend using a basketball, and not just any basketball. Use the standard size for your age.

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