As a basketball player, you probably know about the debate between athleticism and being a skilled player. Some people believe having skills is way more important, and others believe having athleticism puts players over the edge. So what is the most important factor in terms of basketball success?

Having a high level of skill can certainly give a player an advantage on the court, but it is not the only factor that determines their success. For example, a player who is skilled but not very athletic may still struggle to keep up with faster or more agile opponents (on fast breaks, or drives). Similarly, a player who is highly athletic but lacks skill may struggle to make simple plays or make the right decisions on the court.

It comes down to the player as a whole, and there are many players who tip the scales in terms of athleticism, and there are many players who tip the scales in terms of skill.

Skill Vs Athleticism Also Depends On The Players Role

The debate between athleticism and skill in basketball is further complicated by the role that a player has on the team. For example, a point guard that has to do a bit of everything will benefit from having great skills, such as ball handling and shooting. On the other hand a center, who may not be asked to do much other than rebound and block shots, will benefit more from having strong athleticism. For a player who is mostly a defensive player athletic ability may be more important than having skill. On the other hand, a player that is a spot of shooter and spaces the floor may have to be more skilled than athletic.

What Is It That Puts Players Over The Top In Terms Of Dominance?

So you have highly skilled players, and you have highly athletic players. What’s the key difference that puts these players over the top? We’re going to go over many different aspects of the game – from the physical dimensions of being a dominant player, to the mental and emotional dimensions.

Some Players Have So Much Of One Specific Skill That It Makes Them Almost Impossible To Stop

Steph Curry’s Shooting Ability

A primary example of this is Steph Curry. He’s not unatheltic, but he doesn’t tip the scales in terms of athleticism. However, his shooting ability is so good, that it allows him to dominate every single time he’s on the floor. People are so concerned with stopping his shot that he allows his whole team to get easy open looks. Which is why the Warriors offense has worked so well throughout the years.

Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Physical Abilities

Giannis is so dominant physically that he’s almost impossible to stop. He doesn’t have the greatest jump shot, but his incredible height and length allow him to finish around the rim almost every time. He’s also put in the work to put on size and strength to make it even harder for people to stop him over the years.

Luka Doncić’s Basketball IQ

Luka has been playing professional basketball since the age of 16 (in the Euroleague). So although he’s not the fastest or most athletic player, he uses his basketball IQ in order to dominate. He knows how to get to his spots regardless of what type of defense you throw at him, and he has the ability to read defenses perfectly.

The Mental Aspect Plays a Huge Role As Well

Most players that are dominant in basketball have certain characteristics that go beyond just athleticism and skill. They have different mental characteristics that allow them to stand out from the competition. These characteristics include:


The best players in the NBA have one skill that is far above everyone else – leadership. The ability to lead a team and have the attention of their teammates is a key aspect in being successful. There have been countless players throughout the years that allow you to win based on their leadership and ability to pull people together.


This one is extremely important. Some players hang their head when they miss a shot or get a turnover. The players that are the most successful don’t hang their head on mistakes. They have confidence in themselves and their teammates to keep fighting.


The best players are always working to be their best because they know if they don’t competition will pass them by. They are always looking for ways to improve their skills, and if they feel like they lack in certain areas, they put in the work to improve.

In Summary

So to break things down, skill and athleticism are both very important. Neither of them is enough on their own to make a player completely dominant. Players either have extreme skills that allow them to be great, extreme athleticism that gives them an advantage, or a mixture of both.

The awareness to know where you fall is important in terms of being a dominant player. Just remember, just because you’re very athletic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work on your skills – and just because you’re highly skilled doesn’t mean you should stop working on your athleticism. You should be striving every day to become the best player you can be.
