If you’re new to watching basketball, you may have observed that at half time, both teams switch sides. You may be wondering what purpose this serves, and why the teams have to switch baskets. So why do they switch baskets in basketball?

There are many reasons why switching baskets is necessary. The first one, is to keep the playing field even. If a full game is played and each time keeps the same side, one team may complain that the lighting wasn’t as good on their side, or that the floor was more slippery. Another purpose, is so basketball fans could see their favorite team or player on their side for half the game. You really wouldn’t be getting your money’s worth if you only got to see them on the defensive end of the court.

If you pay attention to other sports, they all have their own version of switching sides, and they are all pretty much for the same reasons.

Are There Any Advantages Or Disadvantages To The Players When They Switch Sides?

When it comes to switching sides, this gives players a new perspective, and it may work out in their favor or it may not.

May Throw Off Or Help A Players Rhythm

Let’s say there’s a player on one team that is shooting the ball really well in the first half. Once teams switch sides, that may completely throw them off. There may be a new heckling fan on the other side that gets under their skin, or the player may feel that they are at a disadvantage because of the new lighting, floor layout, or other factors on their side.

On the other hand it could work in the opposite way, and the player could benefit from their change of perspective.

Playing In Front Of Their Bench

Another way to look at it is during one half of the game, each team gets to play in front of their bench (and also their coach), and they may have more supporters cheering them on. In the half that they’re not in front of their own bench, they’ll be playing in front of the other teams bench. So on top of the other factors, this can also add to the pressure.

Who Determines Which Basket Each Time Starts On?

In the NBA the visiting team determines whether they want to start in front of their bench or in front of their opponents. Depending on the coaches mindset and exactly what kind of coach they are.

If they’re a defensive minded coach, they may want the team to play defense in front of them. However, if they’re an offensive team like the warriors or the rockets, they may want their team to start in front of their opponents bench, this way in the second half they can bark orders offensively.

Do Teams Switch Sides Again If They Game Goes Into Overtime?

It may seem like it would make sense for each team to switch sides again if they go into overtime. However this isn’t the case. If teams tie, they stay at the same hoop they started the second half with.

I guess it’s safe to say that no matter what sides the teams play on they’re evenly matched, so it doesn’t really matter which side they’re on to start with.

In Summary

Now you know the exact reasons why teams switch sides in basketball. If you’re ever watching a game and want to show off your knowledge, you could let everyone in the room know why the teams are switching sides. It’s a fun and interesting aspect of basketball.

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