There are plenty of bright lights at basketball games. Depending on the level, there may be cameras flashing and other lights illuminating the court. The bright lights can cause eye fatigue and irritation for some players. So you may be wondering if basketball players wear eye black. So, do they?

The answer to this question is no. This because eye black won’t do much in regards to the lights on the court. Eye black is made for the glare of the sun. That’s why it’s common to see Football players wearing eye black, because they are often outside in the bright sun. It’s also to reduce glare from stadium lighting which could be very bright if you look up. The lighting on basketball courts is not typically all that bright.

The NBA rules state that, “The use of any foreign substance during games is strictly prohibited. A “foreign sub- stance” is any substance that is applied during games to a player’s body, uniform or equipment, or to any game equipment, that is designed or intended to provide a player or a team with a competitive advantage.”

This may mean it’s not possible to even wear eye black in the NBA because it could be a distraction to other players (although it doesn’t say this specifically).

What Can You Do If You Play At a Gym That Is Unusually Bright?

In the NBA, there really isn’t much you could do. This is because tinted glasses or goggles could give you an edge on the competition.

Dwyane Wade actually attempted to wear tinted goggles for his migraine issues, but they were not allowed. The NBA determined that they could give him an unfair advantage (since other players couldn’t see his eyes).

If you play at a gym where the lighting is clearly not designed for a basketball court, you may be wondering what you could do to deal with the light glare. There are goggles, not specifically for basketball, that are tinted and designed to reduce glare.

Before wearing them however, you may want to check with the league you’re playing in, or your coach, to ensure that they are allowed.

Has A Basketball Player Ever Worn Eye Black?

I’ve searched Google for every single level of basketball. I searched from high school all the way up to the NBA and was unable to find any instances where a player wore eye black. This leads me to believe that it is was never a thing in basketball.

While it is common to see other sports, such as baseball and football, basketball has never been one of those sports. One sport I’d expect to see eye black in more often is futbol, or American soccer, however I haven’t seen many instances of that either.

Can Players Wear Goggles For Their Eye Site In Basketball?

Eye black helps athletes see clearly in their respective sports. When it comes to basketball, if you have bad eye sight, you can wear special goggles to help. Players have worn goggles in the NBA, but they were not tinted and didn’t give players an advantage.

In today’s league, contacts are so advanced that even players with poor eye sight can play at an elite level without having to wear goggles.

I think contacts are a better look than goggles, and they could also help you play better, as goggles could get in the way of your peripheral vision.


Now you know exactly why basketball players don’t wear eye black. Most basketball courts have good enough lighting to not need it. Remember, that if there is a court you’re having trouble with (in a mens league game or whatever), make sure you ask if you could wear tinted goggles or glasses to reduce glare (just be aware it may be against the rules).

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