Bouncing the ball in basketball is called “dribbling”. Dribbling is a beautiful art, especially if you get the chance to see Kyrie Irving dribble the ball. Over the years, players have become better and better at this art. But why is bouncing the basketball called dribbling?

Bouncing a basketball became dribbling because the sports before it, field hockey and soccer, involve maneuvering of the ball, which is also called dribbling. If you look at the definition of dribbling in sports sense, it states, “ the act of propelling the ball with repeated kicks, taps, etc”.

Now that you know why it’s called dribbling, let’s get into a few more facts when it comes to dribbling a basketball.

Why Exactly Was Dribbling Invented In Basketball?

Believe it or not, James Naismith, the inventor of basketball didn’t create dribbling. When basketball first started, dribbling wasn’t even a thing. Players essentially used the pass in order to move the ball down the court.

The first team credited with advancing the ball by dribbling it played at Yale in 1897. So it took 6 years for someone to actually figure out that dribbling was a much better way of advancing the ball down the court.

From then on, dribbling has evolved every single year. Take a look at this video showing how far dribbling has come in the past 100 years.

How Has Dribbling Made The Game Of Basketball More Exciting?

Dribbling has made the game of basketball more exciting in many ways. Let’s go over all of those different ways now.

It allows players to be more creative: The ability to dribble with both hands, change directions on a dime, and pull off creative moves add an element of excitement to the game.

It allows players to be more dynamic: With better dribbling skills, players are able to maneuver around defenders in ways that were never possible before. This means they can create shots and get into scoring positions that were once impossible.

It allows players to show off their speed: If dribbling was never implemented in basketball, players wouldn’t be able to show off the speed and quickness that they have. Being able to dribble quickly down the court adds a new dimension of athleticism and excitement to the game.

What Are Some Other Names For Dribbling The Basketball?

Over time, basketball players have created other lingo for dribbling the basketball. Some of these include:

Handles or Ball Handling

When you hear someone say, “that guy has handles”, or good ball handling it means that they are good at dribbling the ball. This is because they have tight control over the ball and can pull off different moves without losing it.

Usually in basketball there is a wide array of words or slang you could use to define something, but when it comes to dribbling the ball there is only one that comes to mind.


Now you know why dribbling is called dribbling. Also, you now know how dribbling has made the game more exciting over time. Watching players like Kyrie Irving and Steph Curry and comparing them to the first players who have ever dribbled, makes me think how good this game is going to get in the future.

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