There’s a lot of different questions that come into play when it comes to playing basketball. One of which, is whether or not you can use a pair of tennis shoes to play the game.

If you haven’t had the chance to go to the store and buy a new pair of basketball sneakers, or you would like to save money and play the game in something that you already have, then it can be tempting to turn to your tennis shoes as a potential option. So is it possible to use tennis shoes for basketball?

Tennis shoes are built for lateral support, so you would think that using them for basketball would be ideal due to the lateral movements involved in the game. Due to the frequent jumping in basketball, basketball sneakers are built to be shock absorbent, which will help you to jump and land comfortably. If you play basketball in your tennis shoes, the lack of shock absorption can lead to ankle injuries and knee pain.

On top of that, tennis shoes in a lot of cases are much lower than basketball shoes, which puts you at risk of rolling your ankle while you’re playing.

When Is It Ok To Wear Tennis Shoes To Play Basketball?

If you’re just out in the driveway, or at the park, and don’t plan on playing any competitive basketball, its more than ok to get out and shoot around with your tennis shoes.

It’s when you know you’re going to be involved in a physical game of basketball that you want to make sure you have the right gear. Investing in a pair of quality basketball sneakers is important, as it can help you stay safe while playing and prevent injuries from occurring.

Can You Use Basketball Shoes To Play Tennis?

Finish this sentence: Are you someone who mostly plays basketball, but wants to dabble a little bit in the sport of tennis? If so, you also may be wondering if it’s possible to use your basketball shoes for tennis.

The answer is the same, you could get away with it once or twice, but it’s not optimal. This is because the soles of tennis sneakers are made for the type of courts playing tennis, whereas the soles of basketball shoes are made for the type of courts used in basketball. Tennis courts have a smoother surface, which requires a different type of sole than the rough, abrasive surface of a basketball court.

Tennis shoes are designed to provide the necessary grip and support for quick, lateral movements and sudden stops and starts, whereas basketball shoes are designed for forward and backward movement and hard landings.

Are There Shoes You Could Wear For Both Basketball And Tennis?

Tennis shoes are no good for basketball as we stated above. On the other hand, basketball sneakers aren’t good for tennis either.

This is because tennis shoes are made lower than most basketball shoes. This is to allow for the lateral movement required to play tennis.

Not only that, but tennis sneaker have soles that are built more for abrasive surfaces.

Due to the fact that each shoe needs to be built differently for both sports, there’s not one single shoe that could be a good option for both.


The cost of injury would be much more than buying two seperate pairs of shoes (one for basketball and one for tennis), that’s why it’s a good idea to invest in one pair for each.

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