Have you been to a college basketball game, or have watched on tv, and realised that some of the players look near to 30? Many people have noticed this and there is a real question as to how old the college players really are. So let’s dive into the facts.

Majority of players are within the ages of 18 to 24. However, there are no limits in terms of age. Let’s say you’re 25 and decide to go to college, as long as you haven’t completed 4 years of playing in college already, you can actually try out for the team. Nonetheless, the older you get the lower the chances you have of playing college basketball.

Here’s some statistics in regards to community college and the age of players. It doesn’t apply for Division 1, 2 and 3, but the community college level is a projection of what kind of age range we can expect altogether. Because the competition goes up at higher levels, and the recruitment process is more serious, you may expect to see younger players at the Division 1 level and older players at the community college level. This is also because D1 schools start the ticking clock of eligibility even before you play sports at all.

Check out this story about Brandon Cox, who fulfilled his dream of playing College Basketball at the age of 36 (At Mesa Community College In Mesa Arizona).

Is There a Minimum Age In Order To Play College Basketball?

You would think you should have to be at least 18 years of age in order to play college basketball, however, if you’re taking classes at a college, you can actually try out for a basketball team, regardless of your age.

How many people have actually done this? I’m not sure. If it is possible for some people it’s because they were able to graduate high school early. Graduating high school early and being good enough to play college basketball is highly unlikely (unless you’re that much of a prodigy).

After doing some research, I came across Kylan Boswell, who is considered the youngest person to ever play college basketball. Just 17 years old, he managed to play at Arizona due to accelerated academic programs.

When Is It Too Late To Start Playing Basketball?

Technically, it’s never too late to start playing basketball. You could always pick it up as a hobby if you enjoy the game. However, if you’re looking to make a career out of playing basketball, it’s probably best to start when you’re younger.

There are outliers though. The first time Tim Duncan ever picked up a basketball was in 9th grade. To start so late though, you usually need something to set you apart, Duncan had the height.

Hakeem Olajuwon didn’t play until he was the age of 17. He was also taller than most of his peers, giving him an edge when it came to playing basketball.

To be a shorter player, start playing very late, and still be successful at the college and professional level, you need to have incredible natural skills, and an incredible work ethic.


As you can see, as long as you’re eligible, you could start playing college basketball at any age, as long as you’re good enough. The likeliness that you’ll be good enough to play D1 and D2 ball decreases as you get older, but with enough determination and hard work, anything is possible.

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