When you watch basketball it’s not often that someone scores on their own hoop. However, this does happen from time to time. One question that commonly pops up when this does happen, is who gets credited the points. Here’s your answer:

The player that is nearest to the hoop when someone scores on the wrong basket will be credited the points. So if you’re in a game, and happen to be the closest person to witness this, you’ll get the easiest points of your life. If you’re the person who makes the shot, nothing negative will happen to your points total.

Let’s take a look at how this happens on each level.

What Are The Circumstances That Make People Score On The Wrong Basket?

The most common reason people score on the wrong basket depends on the level of play. When you’re talking about youth basketball, this actually happens all the time due to the fact that they don’t full understand the game 100%, and don’t always know what hoop they’re shooting on. Although this has happened in the high school and pro levels as well, it’s far less common.

In high school, college, and the NBA the most common way someone scores on their own basket is from tipping the ball in while trying to get a rebound. Take a look at this compilation of players scoring on their own basket.

Is It Embarrassing To Score On Your Own Basket?

It could be embarrassing, especially if it isn’t caused from rebounding the ball. If you take the ball dribble the wrong way and score a layup on the wrong hoop, it could be pretty embarrassing.

However, if it happens to you, you should remind yourself that it happens even at the pro level, and use it as a learning experience.

How To Avoid Scoring On Your Own Basket

There are a few ways you could avoid scoring on the wrong basket. The first way is by being aware when you switch baskets. At halftime, teams switch baskets that they have to score on. This is the most common time where players mistake which way to go because they are used to shooting on one basket for 2 quarters straight.

The second most common time people get confused as to where they are shooting is in the beginning of the game during a jump ball. In the moment of the tip off, you have to make sure you go the way your big man is facing. Some people get caught up in the moment and shoot on the wrong hoop.

the last thing you need to ensure is secure rebounds with two hands. Don’t try and be fancy, using one hand to get a rebound. This could cause you to make a mistake and tip the ball in your own hoop, due to not having complete control of the ball.

Who Gets The Ball After It’s Scored In The Wrong Basket?

When a player shoots and scores on the wrong basket, you may be wondering who gets the ball. The team who’s player scored on the wrong basket will get the ball because it’s as if the other team scored, and not them.

In Conclusion

Even though scoring on your own basket is a rare occurrence, you now know when it does happen the person nearest to the basket gets the points. It’s important to note that if this happens to you in a game, it’s no big deal and it’s happened to the best of us. Just keep the tips we mentioned above in mind so you could avoid it.

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