Basketball is a passionate sport. Sometimes, players may become so pumped up that they feel the need to display outwardly their emotions and enthusiasm. Slapping the floor is one way basketball players do this. But why exactly do they slap the floor?

Basketball players slap the floor in most cases to show their seriousness for the next upcoming defensive possession. It’s a way to fire themselves up and boost their energy as well as show their teammates they are serious. Another reason players may slap the floor is if they got hit hard and fell down to the ground during a play. Sometimes in frustration they will slap the floor as they get back up to their feet.

When Did Slapping The Floor Become a Thing In Basketball?

Former Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski started making his teams slap the floor in the 80’s. It was a way to get the team to turn up their energy and he used it as a motivational strategy.

Back then Duke used this tactic while playing zone defense. In todays game, players use slapping the floor as a tactic while playing man defense.

Why Do NBA Players Rarely Slap The Floor? (Why Players Shouldn’t Do It)

Although this was a great team strategy by coach K, not many basketball players in the NBA use this tactic. Here are some reasons why NBA players don’t do it, and most basketball players shouldn’t do it.

Slapping The Floor Takes Up More Energy

In the NBA there’s a lot more man to man defense and most of the time there’s one person defending a certain player. Bending over and slapping the floor is a big waste of energy.

It Gives The offensive Player A Chance To Get a Head Full Of Steam

On defense you’re already at a disadvantage when a player is coming down hill. When you slap the floor, you’re flat footed and not ready to move your feet and get in front of the offensive player. You need to be ready at all times and not give the offensive player even more of an advantage.

You Can Irritate a Star Player

Players often see their defender slapping the floor as disrespect. The last thing you want to do Is put a chip on the shoulder of one of the best players in the league. This could lead to him being even more aggressive.

Imagine slapping the floor while guarding a Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant (definitely not a great idea).

You Have To Be Aware Of Other Players To

While you’re slapping the floor, you’re the least aware of your surroundings. It’s important to note that you need to be ready for the ball to be passed so you could play good help defense. If a quick pass is made, you could be out of position and not ready to help your teammates.

Here Are Some Notable Floor Slaps In Basketball

As you could see in this situation, the player who did the floor slap was out of position and gave the offensive player a chance to get a head full of steam and blow by him. Not a good look.

Here, Kelly Oubre attempted to use it on Luka while playing man to man defense. Again, didn’t work out in the defenders favor.


Slapping the floor in basketball has a history like you wouldn’t think, however, it’s not the best strategy. Duke got away with it because of the fact that they play great TEAM zone defense. If you’re thinking about adding “floor slapping” to your defensive strategy I would think again!

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